Screencast: Export Your Project

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1 Export (with expert settings)

Use File > Export (Shift + Apple + E) to bring up the export dialog. Select the QuickTime icon, from the top menu.

Export Settings

Make sure you set it to Compress movie for: Expert Settings.

Expert Settings

Now press Share.

2 Save exported file as...

Once you press Share, the "Save As" dialogue will pop up.

Save As

Now set Export to Movie to MPEG-4 and then click Options.


Compression and Archiving

Much like digital photography, once a photo is compressed and the original file is destroyed, it is impossible to reclaim lost resolution and clarity. You can archive an original, but watch out — video can eat copious amounts of drive space. For details, see Archiving for Mac.

3 Pick Your Settings

Once you press Options, a new window will pop up. Set the File Format to: MP4.

MP4 Export Settings

Highlight the Video tab, and use these following settings:

Video Tab

Next, highlight the Audio tab, and use these settings:

Audio Tab

Finally, highlight the Streaming tab, and use these settings:

Streaming Tab

Now just press OK...


And then press Save.


The amount of time it takes to compress video depends on the speed of your computer, the length of your video, and your settings.


Export Settings Explained

Once you figure out what some of the jargon means, you can easily adjust the size and quality of your videos... (Click to expand)

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